Yes I am. In case you've been wondering about me not posting, I had a rough week and no time to write.
So I thought about a little recap of my week in form of a picture diary... Here it is:
what a great super bowl; great effort of both QB's; better team won, congratz Giants. I'm sure Brady will be back, though.^^ |
always's been a great fan of the series and never missed a game. Got that one early already but had to wait until after the exams to start playing it. |
I never miss my bowling train recently :)
On Tuesdays my university week starts and this time immediately with my first of 3 exams this semester. I did well I think.
I work at Hollister Co. and that day was the first in my weekly schedule. During work I already realized I'm not feeling that well..I got the result when I woke up after a unfortunate short sleep of 3 hours...
I had caught a cold including an angina lateralis..yippee! and the best thing about it was: I even had to go to.. |
jep jep..i love being sick at university. I had to write an exam and give a presentation. It was just a poster to present but the exam and just the urgent need to get up sick in the morning without rest and walking into a -10°C freezing cold, fuck that day! I was so so relieved when I got home again. I drank 5 liter chamomile tea that day, no joke! Couldn't sleep that night when the fever wen to 39.5°C and I knew I had one exam to go on Thursday, it was 50/50. |
I felt so much better the morning after and I made up my mind that I will be attending the final exam of my seminar, despite receiving an option of my lecturer to be able to rewrite the exam later. So I took my car and drove to the station just to realize: |
I guess you figured: It says train cancelled in German. Some people might be panicking then but I always thought about me having some sort of ataraxis..a kind of desease where people tend to not worry about things, so I was calm even though I realized that every train for the next 3 hours will be cancelled. I decided to drive the 45min to Mainz by car and took 3 girls I know from university with me. I missed the first 10minutes of the exam but I think it went well in the end. |
I had to work later that day, but thanks to a colleague I was able to shift my Thursday shift with Saturday, thank you Y.! |
I felt a lot better on Friday so I decided to have my bowling training and afterwards.. |
my 2nd shift of the week at work. we went to.. |
after work and chilled there until 5am in the morning. |
Saturday is always my Bundesliga day so I watched my favorite soccer team of course and saw that little Japanese dribbler win the game for us: thank you Shinji Kagawa! Then of course.. |
work ;) |
Sunday was all chill out with some sports and later I chilled with someone special ;)
I was kind of relieved after that week, now I'm off from university until the end of April..yippee :)
XO, Dré.
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