Guys...I loooove movies. There is not a single epic movie out there that I haven't been watching, I swear :) This summer will be freakin' amazing considering how many wonderful movies will be in the cinemas.
I don't know really know where to start, but let's have a look what is worth watching at the moment:
The Amazing Spider-Man
If you guys loved the Tobey Maguire version of Spider-Man at least the majority of you will love the new as well or maybe find it even better, like I did.
Personally I have to say I'm a huge Emma Stone fan as well and Andrew Garfield had some wonderful chemistry going on with her on the screens. It may be the same story but the way it is
differently narrated just makes the movie independent from the older version and still "amazing".
ps: yes I believe you can even watch this with your girlfriend ;)
must-see-factor: **** (5 possible)
Project X
What happens if one guy tries to throw a party while his best friends advertises it via every possible mediated form? ESCALATION! The story might not be the most inventive at all, however the way it is told and expressed in this movie is unique. Director Nima Nourizadeh successfully creates a funny movie filled with chaos and everytime you think that you've seen enough he amazes you new. 88 minutes of pure fun and an epic soundtrack as well give this movie a...
must-see-factor: ****
Soon in cinemas
The Dark Knight Rises
Clearly one of my absolute most-wanted movies in 2012.
After two epic movies "The Dark Knight" & "Inception" Christopher Nolan returns with his third Batman movie trying to finish the trilogy with a worthy end. Every detail about the movie has been
absorbed by fans all around the world months ago and right now I believe I could be synchronizing the 2 available trailers completely. Expectations are unimaginably high, 1 week until we can finally say whether Chris Nolan has done it again.
must-see-factor: *****
I still have a 20 year old rabbit plush toy, which I just cannot throw away, true story!
Now think back to the days when we were young, I believe all of you had some secret wish that you could talk with your teddy bear. In Seth McFarlane's (creator of Family Guy) new movie "Ted" exactly that happens to a boy played by Mark Wahlberg. Not only is this giving him problems with his parents but also with his girlfriend as an adult. Therefore he has to politely throw Ted out, however the bear, still childish like his foster-father, has huge problems starting a life on his own.
Just watch the trailers, this movie is gonna be soooooooooooooooooooooooo epic :D Besides "The Dark Knight Rises" my most wanted movie this year :) Ted is already CULT!
ps: Seth McFarlane even synchronizes TED :)
must-see-factor: *****
Prometheus is more than just a Sci-Fi-Action Thriller. It is the quest to seek for our origin.
However I do have to admit that the ultra high expectations for this upcoming Sci-Fi adventure derived from it's intense and amazingly disturbing trailer. On top the movie will be in 3D.
Noomi Rapace (known as "Lizbeth Salander" in Stieg Laarson's Millenium trilogy), Michael Fassbender (born in Heidelberg and known for "300", "Inglorious Basterds" & "X-Men - First Class")
as well as Charlize Theron (the name speaks for itself^^) stand for a high quality cast and promise an epic adventure in 3D. However I think it will be very genre specific and will have a rather male dominated fan base.
must-see-factor: ***
Total Recall
Hollywood loves remakes and therefore it was only logical that some years later (exactly 22 years) there will be a remake of Arnold Schwarzenegger's version of "Total Recall".
The idea that information one day could be implanted into ones brain is interesting however frightening as well. That's exactly the main topic in "Total Recall". There is not much to say but 22 years later with a Colin Farrell as main character and waaay more possible budget to spend the remake of the 1990 version will be at least worth a look.
must-see-factor: ***
So far for our movie summer guys :) stay tuned because fall and winter provide even more blockbuster movies :) cya in the cinemas soon ;)
XO, Dré.
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