This damn Silvester evening - S.O.S :D

Hey guys,

Hope you all had nice Christmas days and presents!

Tell ya something funny, maybe you can agree on that:

I believe that many people, often even before Christmas time is over, are already being asked: "What are

you planing for silvester?"

And maybe you are even some of those people like me always having no clue what to do on Silvester until

the actual Silvester evening.

Some things are for sure:

no go fireworks - I mean come on! those days are over..

no go reserveration/restaurant stuff - I used to do this sometimes (for example when I was celebrating on a boat with an expensive menu); often you end up celebrating with 80% of people +age of 40

maybe disco - well...I'd love to avoid it however it can be awesome with a bunch of nice party people; Baton Rouge 2008 was funny when all people left the building 10minutes before 12 and I was alone in the lobby drinking all the champagne which was stacked to a pyramid. Of course I still managed to get out just in time and I had some free booze :D

maybe house party - Oh my gosh..them' house parties were legendary when we were young. You meet new people, you often get free booze and you most likely end up canoodling with girls you never met before :D

likely at home in pyjama - haha I don't really hope so but reality often looks different, just like it did last year when I celebrated at home in pyjama, however in good company :D

Gimme some ideas and save me from my pyjama :D

XO, Dré

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