Pre Christmas time / Michael Bublé my choice

Pre Christmas time is a two-edged time period for many people.
There are the ones looking forward for Christmas markets, hot spiced whine & roasted almonds to just name a few things.

However especially I have figured out that in the months September & November as well as early December
people often tend to fall into a depression.
Technically thats not a big thing considering the fact that after a warm summer the colder season appears and people start to miss the sun, because they get colds and have to stay in bed etc.
Statistics have proven that people rather die in colder months, which is to me the most logical reason to fall into a depression.
A lot of my relatives also died in the fall/winter months.
Christmas then tends to be forgotten and to be seen as a "time for the children".
I find myself often forgetting...
forgetting how fun it can be listening to/singing Christmas songs
forgetting how tasty Christmas cookies used to be

forgetting the real meaning of Christmas...

Don't do the same mistakes

You can start by listening to Christmas songs for example Michael Bublé, I would recommend that to you.
Or for at least once in a year visit church to sing with the choir :)

Wish ya'll happy Christmas days

XO, Dré.

1 comment:

  1. i wrote a long comment about the american society here in guiyang, and that they don't forget the true meaning of thanksgiving and christmas and that it seems like hope for their children...but this comment was not able to go through the chinese great firewall xD so i suggest you DEW-ITT like Carlton Banks with his pants and bells^^
