Sailor Moon, Kickers, Mila Superstar, Dragonball & Co; Project Anime Retro Night - I know you all have been waiting for it!

Hey guys,

I'm working on this for almost 3 years now...
Had to put it away due to exams and other problems but I finally finished the plans for my project:

The Anime Retro Oscar Night

I believe almost every one of you, at one point in his childhood, was obsessed in anime or cartoon series such as Sailor Moon, Mila Superstar, Saber Rider & the Star Sheriffs, Thundercats & many more.
I often had the discussion with friends of mine about the declining quality of these genre over the decades.
People of my age grew up with cartoons that tried to provide entertainment but also moral values, take for
instance the soccer anime Kickers around a losing team and the moral statement that soccer is rather about friendship and eleven mates playing than about winning. Nowadays these series are often more about selling products, (merchandising) abusing kids attitude to try to collect every possible edition of Trading Cards or Action figures.
My goal is to bring back the old anime and cartoon series of the late 80s-90s at least for one night
in some kind of Oscar night where different categories decide over the best series of all time.
I researched in over 10 categories and over 100 different & popular TV series of that time and cut out the best scenes for nomination and award winning trailers.

Following this post I will send out an invitation on facebook to have an impression about how many people would love to attend this event. Therefore I can figure out whether this will become a rather private event at my house or a major event in a public location.
You will receive additional information about (when and where possibly) in my invitation on facebook..

To give you a little taste of what you can expect, here's my trailer that I personally created for the event:

Anime Retro Night Teaser

XO, Dré

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